Gluten Free Pancake mix

Gluten Free Pancake mix
6 cups sorgum flour- (or cornmeal)
3 cups tapioca flour
1 cup ground flax
3 T.Baking powder
1 T. Sea salt

How to make pancakes

1 cup mix
½ cup soy milk or nut milk
½  tsp Cinnamon – optional
Mix well and time to cook pancakes

How to Cook Pancakes!
Preheat Skillet or griddle  on medium heat- drop some water on skillet to insure its hot – water should bead.
Use a little spray oil or butter. Put pancake batter on skillet and cook until golden, flip and repeat.

Oil Free Pancakes: Preheat skillet to medium on large element of stove or preheat the electric skillet to 375F. Do the water test. Pour pancake batter onto the preheated pan, and then flip when the top has bubbles evenly across it. You may leave the oil out of the recipe as well. If pancake sticks and burns, lower the heat. If the pancake sticks and seems to take too long, raise the heat. Once you’ve found the ‘correct’ setting, it’s simple for next time!
