Fall Veggie Stew


Fall Veggie Stew

This recipe is reminiscent of a beef stew-- but all plant-based!
2 Spicy Beyond Brat links
2 Lg. onions, diced 
4 -6 Lg. Yellow or white potatoes, diced
3 carrots  
1 Lb. green beans cut, 1 inch
2 Cups tomatoes  diced 
3 Cups mushrooms, diced Lg. 
1 cup each peas & corn  (optional)
1Tbs. Fresh or dried thyme 
1/2 Cup each red & white miso (or chickpea miso if you want soy free)

1 veggie bouillon cube
salt, pepper & lemon  zest to taste
Fresh parsley  for topping 

Preheat in 8.5 Qt Roaster - Pot. Slice and brown beyond brat. Add onions and sauté a few minutes. Add all other ingredients except miso, salt, pepper, parsley. Cover with water.  Cook at Med/hi —click low until potatoes are tender. 
Mix miso with some of the “broth” from pot and add. Salt, pepper and lemon zest to taste. Top with chopped fresh flat leaf  parsley before serving.
